Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Say What???

How the heck are we already a week into September? I am so not prepared for this month. Two birthday parties (and presents) to figure out, several other friend parties, running races, and all my other kids. Oh yeah, and a girls weekend to plan. Guess I should've planned better last month.

I did go a little lax on my eating over the weekend, but not as bad as I predicted I would. I did each a bunch of oreos, oatmeal peanut butter choco chip cookie dough, and half a piece of chocolate zucchini cake. I'll admit. It made me miss junk food. It also helped calm my nerves regarding Molly. However, I want to finish losing this extra weight more, so no more down time in regards to food.

This week is back to strength training for P90X. And today I am just as sore as I was after the first day. CRAZY!! I did mostly survive the plyometrics workout today though, which is a huge improvement from a month ago. And I think there might be just a hint of definition forming in my stomach. That hasn't happened....well ever. Even when I was competing in high school I never had that. It's a good feeling.

Today I met with Paul again and talked about my paranoia over Molly. I still haven't started food again, but she is consistently getting more fluid and her poop is soooooo much better. And I've learned how she'll react to sugar. We thought it would be intense diaper issues, but instead it's intense vomiting. Talk about a way to stay on track with junk food. Just get your body to completely reject sugar.

I think I'm doing better, but I'm back to being terrified to leave her with anyone again. If only she could learn how to talk, my life would be far less stressful.

We also talked about the importance movement has on your emotional and mental well being. He told me about several studies that did advance brain imaging with the subjects over a period of time and the brain showed vast differences with even just 15 to 20 minutes a day of being active, particularly with exercise that works on balance. The exercise that showed the biggest overall improvement was swimming. Something about the way you utilize every single muscle is like a massage for your central nervous system and helps with everything from mood, to concentration, to circulation.

I can definitely see how that would be the case. My mind seems much calmer and able to cope with life when I'm active. He shared a couple of stories of past patients that were able to change everything in their life just by learning to ride a bike at 82, or going for a hike once a week. Crazy how our body is so tied to our mind. Change one for the better, and everything goes for the better.

So my goal for this month is to be good with my food choices, and make sure I get my entire family active every day. What are some of your goals for the month??

1 comment:

  1. That is so interesting about movement! And here I am, procrastinating my workout by reading old blog posts. . . time to get moving myself!!! THANKS!
