Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Big Milestone

Today my oldest turned 9. It's so crazy to think about what's happened since then. Nine years ago tonight, I was sitting in the hospital just staring at the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. Literally. ALL. NIGHT. LONG. I remember the panic attack I had when we were getting ready to come home and she was screaming so loud. Nothing I did could calm her down...then Daddy picked her up and there was instant silence. (He's hijacked all the kids like that) Now she's entering the 'tweenage' years and is still one amazing and beautiful kid.

Tomorrow she is running in her first official race. It's one mile long and will be at BYU (we're happy to have cheerleaders come join us) at 6:20. She was so excited for today, yet so nervous about tomorrow. We've had fun talking about what to eat before a race so her body will act the way she wants it to. Part of me really wishes I could run with her just to cheer her on the entire way. (And then I'm happy that I can think that and have my body capable of actually doing it). I just might be more nervous than she is at this point.

So many exciting things going on at the same time (tomorrow is also my son's birthday). She is so nervous that she won't win, so we've talked a lot about how winning isn't the goal at this point. Finishing is. Winning can be the goal later on. I just hope she is proud of what she's done so far and keeps on trying.

**UPDATE: She did great! I think I had her eat too close to the race, but she only stopped and walked one time. She even had a BYU runner stay with her the entire time. I have no clue what her time was, but I was so proud of her for setting a goal and pushing herself to accomplish it! I admit, I choked up a little when she started and again when I saw her cross the finish line. Hopefully this is the first of many races to come!

1 comment:

  1. My oldest is also turning 9 in October! Where'd the time go. Cherish it while we can, before the tweenage angst comes along...ugh.
