I need to write down some info for Molly and since no one comments here, I'm guessing not many people read it. So I'm sorry in advance if I gross you out (if you don't like poop talk, this post is NOT for you).
She has been acting weird for about a week and half. At first it was just some fussiness I related to sleepiness. This past week has changed my opinion.
Monday-extreme fussiness about an hour after eating. Slept ok. Late afternoon pain screaming for about 45 minutes. Once she stopped I realized she was poopy. When I changed her diaper it was extremely odorous, very hard, almost dry looking. Dark gray color. Smell and texture made me think dehydration. Started tracking wet diapers.
Tuesday- More of the same. Late afternoon pain screaming resulted in very large, dark gray, very solid poop. Very smelly and dry looking again. No really wet diapers, just a few smelly urine diapers. When she did urinate, it was a little darker, but not brown.
Wednesday- Decided to eliminate food from the equation in the hopes that I pushed too hard, too fast. Have introduced turkey, green beans, and peas (all mixed in rice cereal)in the past three weeks. Symptoms started on second day of peas (if there's a correlation). Only poops for the day were very small rabbit pellets. Again dark gray in color and very hard. Gas eased up a little bit and Molly started waking up several times during the night. Spoke with a nurse and started getting paperwork together to take her to the hospital for IV fluids. Nurse suggested waiting one more day.
Thursday- Still no food, only bottles. She finished one for the first time in almost two weeks (she had been leaving 2-3 oz in bottles recently). Started trying to switch formula to similac sensitive thinking the sugar in it might help her with constipation issues. She did have a more normal poop in the late afternoon with minimal fussiness prior. Large amount, dark gray color, texture was smooth and between mucousy and watery. Still woke up several times during the night. Urine output increased noticeably.
Friday-Only bottles. One very small poop. Same as Thursday. Dark grey, smotth, and between mucousy and watery. Bad night sleep again. Started vomiting small amounts of curdled food.
Saturday- All bottles are only similac. Vomiting increases, only one very small poop. Dark gray in color, more pasty this time. Urine down, but much more normal.
Sunday- Vomited three times within two hours of morning bottle. Give up trying similac, and go back to enfamil gentlease. I'm guessing it's the sugar? Going back to Enfamil. Starting to worry about possible stricture or ileus forming. Need to call GI dietician to see if we need to go in tomorrow.
*Temperatures were higher this week, contributing factor or not? Only time she was outside was for morning walks (almost chilly then), and getting in and out of car for appointments. She did have dramatic decrease in urine last time temps spiked for a week in July. No vomiting then though and poop output unaffected.
*****update-she had a big poop yesterday mid day and this morning (monday). both were good texture and color was dark gray green. No fussiness and she's starting to act like she wants food again. Glad we switched back to enfamil and hopefully this is the end of this little backtrack!
******another update-today was great in terms of vomiting. She had two poops less than an hour apart and I'm finally starting to see formula poop again. In looking through the support group, I really should've taken her to the hospital last week. More than ten days of dark gray green poop tells me she was WAYYYYY more backed up than I realized, which means she was wayyyyyy more dehydrated than I thought. I feel so freakin' bad. I try so hard not to be a hypochondriac, and I think it backfired this time. So thankful there was a little yellow poop today!!!!!!
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