Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 days down...

I can't believe there's only 3 weeks left to the competition. Part of me is ready for it to be finished as I'm losing my drive as I get closer to my end goal weight. Then there's part of me that's wondering what else I can do with the motivation of a competition like this one.

There has been little to no extra energy for additional workouts this week, I'm just plain pooped out. My glutes haven't been this sore for a LONG time. Hopefully that means I'm pushing myself better?

Molly is doing much, much better. After waiting for three days to hear back from the GI specialist, I finally got a phone call yesterday. It felt good to talk to Dr. Pohl about everything. At this point he says that it appears she will face more constipation issues (meaning lack of working intestines), then things going too quickly (hyper active intestines). He thinks we need to add a non sugar based laxative to her diet so she can better process her food. Something called lactoluse or whatever. It also sounds like I should've taken her in last week, but made the right changes to correct the issue overall.

Another frustrating this this week is the return of my tension headaches. When one starts I swear I wish I could just cut off my head. I just wish I could figure out what the trigger is for them. I'm getting tons of fluids, really stretching my neck and back throughout the day, and trying to get the right amount of sleep. Blech.

And one little side note-I miss my candy corn. I usually live on them from now until mid November when I run out. I know a lot of people think they're gross, but I've become quite addicted since discovering I don't always do well with chocolate. I'll probably end up buying myself a bag October 1st to celebrate. Maybe. Unless this really good self-control manages to stick around...

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