Sunday, June 5, 2011

Eyes on the prize

This is something I know I'm going to want to post on every person's blog that is struggling with loving who they are while motivating themselves to do better at the same time. Since I don't have time to post on everyone's blog, I'll do it on mine and hope that everyone reads it.

One of the things that my husband and I are always doing in our daily conversations with each other is quoting movies. The more random the movie, the better the quote. In fact, it is not all that uncommon for us to start breaking into some song or duet from a musical. One of our favorite lines to say to each other is from the new version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It's when they are doing the introduction of Violet and her mom. I think it's at her house. Anywhoo, the one line that I remember the most is when Violet's mom turns to her with a SUPER intense look on her face and says, "Eyes on the prize, Violet. Eyes on the prize."

While they look ridiculous and are talking about chewing gum, I love that quote. No matter what it is you want to accomplish, if you do that one simple thing the little pitfalls become minor bumps in the journey instead of major derailers on your path.

So, for everyone out there that's struggling with pitfalls, weight gains, or whatever, I just want to remind you.....


  1. So what is the prize? I think some people do well to be motivated by money. Others have other goals in mind.. losing so much.. fitting into a pair of pants... Eyes on WHATEVER prize keeps you going strong! :)
    What are your eyes on? ;)

  2. I don't know what my prize is right now. That's what therapy is for right?? With the competition, its probably money and clothes. ;) what's yours??
