I think it's safe to say I've bitten off more than I could possibly chew this year. Especially considering all my plans involve money. As I pack up for the drive to Texas tomorrow morning, I'm totally stressing. Which also means cinnamon bears are close by and disappearing fast. A longer break from my vacation plans will be so nice once we get back. How ironic is that-I want a vacation from the vacation planning??
I'm feeling so much better about life and our family this year, but I keep getting ahead of myself. With the basement, with the kids' rooms, with all these trips, with yard projects, etc. It feels like I'm desperately trying to make up for the 'lost' 2 years of my life.
At the same time, I feel like this year is the golden year for our family. The big kids aren't too big yet and still love spending time with us, and the bitties are getting bigger and stronger every day. Even though our house is constantly looking like a bomb went off, and silly arguments are a constant, we are having fun and starting to explore the world again. One of my favorite sounds lately is the sound of Molly playing with the neighbor kids. She's been so off limits since she came home, that's she still a complete novelty for all the kids' friends. And they are having a seriously good time getting to know each other.
Speaking of Molly, she's doing pretty well. There have been some issues with her intestines the past week or so. Last Thursday her gas changed to the most horrible smelling gas I've ever been around. By Sunday her tummy was rock hard and she was having blow out after blow out. It seemed like we were experiencing her first bout with bacterial overgrowth and I was ready to take her in Monday morning, then it just stopped. A wonderful neighbor spent Monday afternoon tracking down grapefruit seed extract for us to try a more natural remedy before dosing up the antibiotics and it seems to be helping some. My gut is telling me the issue isn't bacteria, it's yeast. That's been Molly's nemesis from day one. I'm going to try some experiments to see if my gut is right. It's made me do a lot of research into odor elimination the past week. I got several comments when I asked the support group, so I'm excited to try some of them out.
Physically, she is progressing again. I think I spend at least two hours a day practicing stairs with her lately. She's getting pretty proficient. Walking and standing are still months away, but given the choice I would gladly take stair safe over walking independently right now. Her neck is giving us more concern lately. She still seems like her head is too heavy to hold in a normal position. I have a feeling it will become more of the focal point of her therapy in the coming months.
She is so close to figuring out phrases though. Last week I was trying to distract her from the stairs and told her to go get Daddy. She paused, turned and faced our bedroom door for a second, called out, then kept crawling. I swear she understood me.
Adam and I are plugging away at P90X. I definitely don't have the intensity I did before. Life just keeps creeping in. I think Adam is getting more on board with it though. It's fun to do it together. If I could only get more discipline in the sugar department I would be seeing a lot more results I think.
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