Friday, August 19, 2011


Sometimes I just really hate being a girl. The past two weeks my emotions have turned me into a sobbing Mom-zilla. Blech! Fortunately, I feel like I'm getting back to some sense of normal. I am two weeks into P90X and on one hand I'm feeling fantastic and can really see and feel results. On the other hand, I've pulled a stomach muscle and can't do any kind of ab workout until it's healed.

I think it's one of those times when how I perceive myself is not what reality is. I don't want to think that my body can't keep up with what I want to be doing. When I was talking to my sister a few days ago she just kept reminding me that I've given birth TWICE in a ten month period, and one of those was an emergency c-section. SOOOOO, I can't expect my ab muscles to exist without coaxing them back. Lame, but true. So if anyone has any recommendations for a post-natal ab workout, please let me know! Hopefully I'll be back to normal by next week.

Meeting with my therapist this week was ok. He reminded me of the one thing more, one thing less in regards to Molly. I feel like my paranoia is holding her back at this point. I know she's doing well, but all the what if's keep going through my mind and I'm scared to push her too hard. She did get a new physical therapist this week that seems really good. Now she is sitting up, we are going to work on getting there by herself.

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