Saturday, August 13, 2011


Well, I survived the first week of P90X. While I don't think I've lost any weight, the distribution of the weight has markedly changed. I feel like my back, stomach, and hamstrings are much leaner than a week ago. However, I also feel my hamstrings, shoulders, and lats SCREAMING for a break. I think I'll be doing some extra stretching today and tomorrow so I don't end up getting injured. That would totally suck.

Something else I've noticed the last day or two is that my desire to eat better is getting stronger each day. The only downside is that when I eat fresh fruits and veggies with whole grains I end up in the bathroom sick ALL NIGHT LONG. So, I'm back to hating food all together. Everything that sounds good to me will only make me sick later on. Blech. I need a professional to come in and show me how to have food I can actually process that's ready FAST. Anyone know where to find someone like that????

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