Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why Scales Don't Matter

Lately I've totally fallen of the wagon with sugar. It's been bad. I know at the root of it there's something that's bothering me, but I can't figure out what that is and it's driving me crazy! If I were to go off the scale, I still weigh less than I did at the end of the competition. If the numbers really mattered to me, I would feel content knowing I've loss additional weight since then. BUT.....based on how my clothes are fitting I'm heading in the wrong direction. My belly just doesn't want to stay in place anymore I guess.

I despise feeling tired all the time. It's no fun to only want crap food all the time while trying to teach my kids to make better choices. It's got to end. This week I've brought back the gum to see if I can't curb the sugar eating. And I've managed to work out two days in a row already, a big improvement over the last month or so.

Motivation is still not where I want it to be either, but it's getting better. I'm trying to focus on cleaning all my 'hot spots' this week because they're getting out of control messy. Hopefully I'm slowly but surely getting my groove back. Everyone is healthy, and it looks like all my surprise vacations are falling into place (at least for now). Here's to a better today!

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